Part-FCL pilots

Frequently asked questions about the Part-FCL for pilots.


For how long is my practical exam valid?

Your practical exam is valid for six months after successfully completing the skills test.

For how long is my practical exam valid?

Your practical exam is valid for six months after successfully completing the skills test.

What information has to be entered on a ‘course completion certificate’ by the training organisation?

Kiwa has published a course completion form for ATP Integrated, CPL/IR Integrated, CPL Integrated en CPL Modular training courses. It’s required to submit this template along with the application. For other applications the course completion certificate has to be submitted as mentioned below. The course completion certificate is issued by the training organisation and must contain the following details:
  • Name of candidate;
  • Date of birth of candidate (or correspondence number or BSN number);
  • Type of training (modular or integral, 1st issue or renewal);
  • Admission requirements for the course to be checked (if applicable);
  • Start and end date of training (if required);
  • ATO/DTO approval number (if applicable);
  • Date signature;
  • Signature of the Head of Training;
  • Stamp or logo of the training institution;
  • Specification of training hours flown (number, dual, solo, SPIC, aircraft, FTD, etc.);
  • Specification of any reductions or exemptions applied with a reference to the relevant legal provision.

What are the guidelines for applying for a brevet or rating?

When applying for a new brevet document, an application form should always be submitted. The guidelines below should be followed for submitting the attachments, preferably use the digital application form:
  • A copy of a valid medical certificate of the appropriate class belonging to the requested brevet must always be included. Even if it only concerns a replacement;
  • On the application form, only the licence, privilege or rating being applied for must be ticked, not those already held;
  • The requested attachments must be attached as a PDF file:
    • Upright and directly legible. And for each attachment the correct name, e.g. ReportForm, Logbook, Flight Test Schedule;
    • Not: tilted, as JPEG, "Xerox1, Xerox2 or as a link to a file;
  • A copy of the logbook (if requested) must be included in the format of Part-FCL, AMC1 FCL.050 Recording of flight time:
    • Upright and directly legible. Not: tilted, signed or marked for the flights specifically requested (such as solo and overland flights, PICUS hours signed off by captain with licence number);
    • In some cases, the entire logbook may be requested for inspection.

My LPE licence has expired, what should I do?

If the LPE has expired for less than three months, the language proficiency assessment can take place during an existing assessment or training activity such as a professional check with a limited Language Assessment Body (LAB) recognised by the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate.

In addition, the language skills evaluation can be performed at a language evaluation body authorised by the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate or an authorised LAB in another EU member state.

If the LPE expired more than three months ago, the language skills evaluation can only be performed at a language evaluation body authorised by the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (Language Assessment Body (LAB)) or an authorised LAB in another EU member state.

What do I have to do to convert my foreign EU licence into a Dutch EU licence?

To convert your foreign EU licence into a Dutch licence, you fill in the “Part-FCL licence transfer” form. You send this form with a copy of your passport to Kiwa Register. Kiwa Register retrieves your data from the relevant authority by means of a licence transfer form. As soon as this data has been received by Kiwa Register, you will receive a payment slip for the issue of the Dutch EU Certificate of competence. Your data will be copied as it appears on the licence transfer document.

What do I pay if I request several products at the same time?

Each request for the issue of a product is processed separately because each product has different legal requirements that must be fulfilled. That is why you pay per processing of a product the rate determinated by the Dutch governement in the Regeling tarieven transportsectoren (Dutch)

What are the guidelines for compiling a ‘declaration base check’?

The declaration base check is issued by the ATO and must include the following details:

  • Name of candidate
  • Date of birth of candidate
  • Type of aircraft
  • Number of take-offs and landings + date
  • Name of instructor
  • Date
  • Signature of the Head of Training
  • ATO stamp (if the declaration base check does not have the logo of the ATO)

What do I have to do to convert my Dutch EU licence into a foreign EU licence?

To convert your Dutch EU licence into a foreign EU licence, you can contact the foreign authorities and submit a request there for conversion. The foreign authority sends a licence transfer form to Kiwa Register. Kiwa Register fills in the licence transfer form and then sends it back to the relevant authority. As soon as you receive the new EU licence, you are requested to hand in your Dutch licence to the foreign authorities.

I live abroad. How can I receive my licence?

If you live abroad and do not have a correspondence address in the Netherlands, your licence will be sent by registered post from 1 May 2019. For this, in addition to an invoice for processing your request, you will receive an invoice for the courier service. Click here for the rate. When your certificate of authority is dispatched, we will send you a track & trace code by e-mail so that you can follow the shipment.

How can a verification letter and/or a no incident/accident statement be requested?

If you wish to demonstrate that a licence is genuine and valid, then you can submit a verification request to us. We provide you with a document with all verification requests of the licence holder, with a no incident and a no accident report. Go to the page Verification request to start an application.

Verification of the medical data is issued by the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate. Requests for this can be sent to

Where can I find the requirements for extending and renewing the issuing of an instructor certificate?

ERequirements for extending and renewing the issuing of an instructor certificate can be found in Regulation (EU) Nr. 1178/2011 (Dutch) from the Commission dated 3 November 2011. The table below provides an overview of the instructor certificates and the reference to the Regulation with page number.

Type of instructor certificate







FCL.940.FI (a) and (b), p. 51

FCL.940.TRI (a),

FCL.940.CRI (a) and (b),


FCL.940.SFI (a), (b) and (c)
p. 60

Renewed issue

FCL.940.FI (c),

FCL.940.TRI (b),

FCL.940.CRI (c),

FCL.940.SFI (d),


Type of instructor certificate





(Can only be issued from 8 April 2015)


FCL.940.MCCI (a),

FCL.940.STI (a)

The MI certificate is valid for the same period as the certificate for FI, TRI or CRI see FCL.940.MI p.63

FCL.940.FTI (a),

Renewed Issue

FCL.940.MCCI (b),

FCL.940.STI (b)

FCL.940.FTI (b),